Yazılım Mühendisim Privacy Policy

As yazilimmuhendisim.com, we send third-party information that our stakeholders who contribute to our site do not allow. undertakes that we will not share it with individuals, that we do not contain copy and unauthorized content on our site, and the site We point out that the content cannot be copied without permission. Every guest who enters our site accepts these rules. deemed to have done.

To get detailed information about Yazılım Mühendisim privacy policy and how to manage your personal data. to see if it can be used Google privacy policy page and Privacy for Google partners conditions You can visit the page. Also please EU user consent policy and Policy for Google Analytics Advertising Features requirements you can also browse their pages.

According to the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, which is still in force in our country; of the persons concerned In order to process their personal data, their explicit consent must first be obtained. However, Articles 5 and 6 of the Law If the personal data processing conditions numbered in Articles of not available.

Relevant persons, who are our visitors to our website, should also be informed.

After presenting our clarification text to our visitors and before processing their personal data (if required) We do not process their personal data without their express consent. For this, when you enter our site, We recommend that you read our lighting text first.

Please take a look at our clarification text and find out how and in which cases your personal data will be processed. Find out we need your consent. You should know that; your personal data based on explicit consent to our site We can only start processing as soon as you give your express consent for us to process, not as soon as you enter.

Please click for our lighting text: yazilimmuhendisim.com/aydinlatma-metni/en/